
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Working at the Zoo

So I returned from Vienna a couuple of weeks ago (on a pretty eventful flight home) and I have begun my job at the Detroit Zoo this summer. I keep a journal while I was in Vienna, but didn't have very consistent internet access so maybe I will post those later (thinking about it I am not sure if I even finished my last couple of days of journaling so I should do that....). Vienna was awesome and I wish that I had more time there. It definately makes me want to go be in Europe again for multiple weeks since living in a place really made a great expereince.

My official title at the zoo is Summer Safari Camp Teacher. I have finished my training and this week starts our first full week of camps. I am excited and a bit nervous. We had a training camp day with staff members kids and since my group only had 4 kids and another 6-8 camp only had 3 we decided to join together. The other teacher, Mr. Nate, did most of the leading throughout the day, which was nice since it gave my the ability to see how other teachers lead their camps, but it makes me more nervous tomorrow having approximatly 10 kids for me and my aid (and I think all the groups have a volunteen this week which might be nice) instead of having 7 kids for 4 staff members. With the training camp day, I think that I have realized that I have a the worst luck for first days ever. I had 2 for 4 kids have medical issues (1 minor and 1 major) so my summer camp season is not off to a good ratio. I had a great team dinner afterwards, but I hope that things will look up.

When I worked at Life Time as a lifegaurd, my first shift after training was a 8-midnight shift, where I had one other lifeguard (who also was having his first day) for the first half and was alone the second half. There proceeded to be a thunderstorm that turned into a tornado. I had also been told that there would be someone coming after me for the following shift. I first of all just thought there was a bad thunderstorm until I left and one of the night ops members told me to be careful since there had been a tornado. I had heard an announcement earlier in the evening and had asked to be repeated on the radio and no one ever responded. I had evacuated the pool deck, but didn't even know what I was supposed to do. Then when no one showed up at the end of the shift, I tried getting ahold of my supervisors, my assistant department head, and lastly my department head (who was at a wedding). I ended up getting off at 1:30am. I then proceded to drive home, which took twice as long as normal and I almost got stranded in my sub since it was flooded with our streets being torn up. Oh and did I mention, I had my high school graduation the next day? 

The rest of my summer at Life Time ended up going well so I am hoping that this summer turns in that direction as well. Time to finish watching this movie with my family before heading to bed to be well rested this week!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Running Again

Today I accomplished something really huge for me! I ran outside for the first time without passing out since August! This might seem like nothing, but everything I have gone through, this is a HUGE deal. Maybe doing a Tri with Ashley isn't out of the realm of possibilities....

Final-ly End of Classes

Notice what I did with that title? It is time for every students least favorite week of the year: finals!

The last few weeks have been VERY hectic and have been a rollercoaster of emotions.

Vienna: Last Sunday we had a Vienna kick-off dinner. It definately made everything much more real. I found out my living situtation while in Austria and I am happy to see what comes in store. I am going to be living with 3 other girls with a Hope alum in District 13. We (at least Janelle and I) were all very excited that we will be having a dog! Apparently we will be in an appartment above the family with our own balcony. She seems to really want to do things with us, which I am excited for. Before we found out our housing, Janelle's sister had said to make sure we go to the zoo. I looked it up and it happens to be in District 13 and is the oldest zoo in the world! I am pumped. I am a little sad though, since it seems we take a bus into the heart of the city, while I was looking forward to the subway. :(

Tod: My boss, friend, and professor has been having heart problems since the summer of 2011. I TA'ed his section of lab this semester and about a month-month and a half ago he stepped down from his position as an instructor of the lab so different professors rotated in to fill in. Well, he had been in the hospital and passed away last Sunday. It has been really hard. I begin to get closer to him this year working his lab, doing prep, and just going into his office to compare heart stories. I visited him in the hospital and I have to say it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. This week was extremely emotional and many tears were shed. I hope that I can serve Tod's memory proud to aim to live like him. I think I have to stop; I just am having a hard time thinking about it.

End of Semster: My mom came last weekend to take a bunch of my stuff home. I was with her when I heard about Tod and I am glad she was here. Everyone came for the Honors Convocation on Thursday where I received the Cancer Federation Award and was recognized for being Honorable Mention for the Goldwater Scholarship and for being intiated into Mortar Board. Yesterday my housemates and I went to the state beach to watch the sunset, got Captain Sundae, and watched The Hunger Games. Today I made 100s of notecards for my two Monday finals (Genetics and Health Dy). Tomorrow is going to be super busy (gross); I have Gen Chem review session, APO composite pictures and possible meeting with my Math Bio group. I also need to finish 3 assignments for Math Bio which will be a big focus of at least some of my day tomorrow.

Also, I didn't tell too many people about this, but I had applied for some internships at ESPN and Disney this summer and have finally gotten all of my No Longer In Considerations updates. O well. I will perhaps apply again and maybe apply for some Animal Programs ones in the future.

Well, I believe that is far long enough of a post. Perhaps more when finals are done. (5 days!!!)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Plans

With only two more weeks of classes and a week of finals before the end of the semester, I am really looking forward to my summer plans.

First off I will be heading to Vienna, Austria for a little over 3 weeks with the Hope College Vienna Summer School. I will be taking a Modern Austrian History course where I can learn the history of the country while I am there. While there, we will all be living with host families all over the city. I am super excited for this opportunity, but it feels like it is very far away instead of just over 3 weeks from now.

The fun doesn't stop after I get back to the States. My mom just informed me the other day that she bought tickets for a Tigers game the week I get back on my sisters birthday! The one downside of going to Vienna is missing out on all the cheap Tigers tickets in the month of May. I guess there is one other downside: last year I went with my dad to free Friday of the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix for his birthday and this year I won't be able to go. :( I will be flying back into Detroit that day, so I will have to miss out on the fun we had that day (including meeting some of the drivers, watching practice, and, how could I forget, standing out in the freezing rain all day. lol).

How could I forget the awesome news I got this week!?!? On Wednesday I found out that I will have the opportunity to work as a Teacher for the Detroit Zoo's Summer Safari Camp! I am REALLY excited about this. It works out so that I can stay at home this summer, relates to my major, and fits with the schedule of my other activities.

This post is getting SUPER long, so I will wrap it up with my last plans. At the end of June I will be heading to LA for an all expense paid trip to present my research at an international research conference and in July I will be going to the Train, Script, and Gavin DeGraw concert. There are a few other things that I might have up my sleeve, but I'll elaborate if/when they get finalized. I am very excited for all that is in store so I would love it if I could just get through these last few weeks. :)

Intro Time!

I feel that before I start this blog I need to make a compulsory introduction post, so here it goes!

While I am finishing up my junior year of college, I am attempting to figure out what I want to do with my life. I am currently pursuing a double major in Math and Biology, but honestly have no idea what I want to do after college. I am currently just trying to enjoy the remaining year of school I have while getting some experience to figure out what I enjoy. I guess that I am hoping that this blog will help me record my thoughts and memories of all the exciting things going on and allow those interested to keep up with my journeys. Enjoy! :)