
Saturday, May 31, 2014

PI Application

I figured since there isn't a ton of information out there about the PI application process I would make some posts each day before I leave about different parts of the process. This first post will be about the application itself!

Recruiting Seasons
PI applications generally follow two recruiting seasons, Summer/Fall and Spring. Spring applications generally comes out at the end of August, while Summer/Fall ones generally come out in January. However, professional internships can be posted at any time and can range in length from 3 months (summer) to 1 yr. The majority run about 6 months and go from January to June or June to January.

The Application
The application itself is relatively straightforward. It is recommended when applying to only apply for ones that you have all of the required qualifications and some/most of the recommended applications. Then since before any person sees your application, a computer reviews your resume, so many people recommend wording your experiences in a similar manner as is worded in the posting. 

Once you start the application you pretty much just enter your information, job experience, upload your resume, and answer a few qualification questions at the end. It is also a good idea to upload anything that is mentioned posting (eg. if they ask for a transcript you should upload it!). If you are applying to a general posting like Alumni Only or Marketing, you might check off which specific positions you are interested in. 

Cover Letter
Some people say you should always include a cover letter so you can possibly stand out. Other people say to only include what is asked because they want to see if you can follow instructions and won't even look at it. I didn't upload one, but I was directly contacted by the department to submit one. They didn't ask for one in their posting since they wanted just one cover letter to cover all internships that I applied for within their department so they don't ask applicants until later since people will just submit individual ones. Therefore, I would use your best judgement on whether or not to include extra things like cover letters to your application since I am not a recruiter or hiring manager so I don't know what they are looking for.

That is pretty much it to the applications! You should really have a few people look over your resume. It is better to wait until everything looks good rather than be the first person to submit your application.

My Experience
I literally applied on the last day applications were open and got an offer! I already had a full time job offer and didn't know if I should apply for an internship. I wouldn't recommend waiting until the last day in case something goes wrong. I ended up applying for 3 Animal Programs internships (Chemistry, Conservation Education Presenter, and Reproductive Biology) and 1 Agricultural Sciences one (Biotechnology).

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