
Friday, June 6, 2014

Background Checks

The Exciting Background Check
One of the last steps before getting an offer is receiving a background check. They do not guarantee that you are going to get a job offer, but it is doubtful that you are going to get an offer without one. I have heard that some people who are currently employed by the Disney company don't always need to get one. In the past it seems like a lot fewer people received background checks and it meant that you were on the short list of consideration for at least one position. However, for the Fall 2014 cycle, A LOT more people seemed to get one on the Facebook group that received offers. In the past it seemed like people generally got them shortly before they got the email to schedule their "brief phone call." This time around a lot of people (especially those who were Alumni only or had screening interviews) got them shortly after their screening interviews.

My Background Check When I got my background check I was on a cruise. I actually received a bunch of movement this week which was stressful. I had internet at our port in Key West since we were in the US and I got on Starbucks WiFi in Cozumel. I had set up an automatic reply just in case, but I filled out the background check email on my iPhone outside Starbucks. I didn't receive any other correspondence for a while so I was worried it didn't go through since you do not get a confirmation it was received after you submit it and if you go back to the email it opens a blank form. Don't worry! 

What it Looks Like When you get the email it asks you to fill out a form titled "Application DWS Pro Intern FL v2" and basically asks if you have applied to work for Disney before, if you have a record or any pending charges, you consent to giving Disney your fingerprints if hired, and if you give Disney consent to do a background check.

After this email, it can be a few days, weeks, or months before more movement, so the waiting game can continue!

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