Monday, January 26, 2015

New ID and Last Day Off

Got the okay email to get my new ID so I headed over to Access Control at Disney University this morning. I had heard many people call it the Disney DMV since you have to wait a long time, but that wasn't my experience at all. I went around 11 and took a number (number 50 to be exact) and no one was waiting at all. So a man called number 49 (who wasn't there) and took me instead. I turned in my old ID, he looked up some stuff on the computer, took my picture, told me to take a seat and I had my new ID in just a handful of minutes. Now I have a new picture ID without an expiration date like my old one so I will probably wouldn't have to get a new one if I were to stay on with the company.

I also found out that I am starting on Tuesday. I am excited to start but now I am a little nervous too. Since I hadn't heard anything I was almost hoping to start on Wednesday so I could spend Tuesday with Nick since we don't have the same days off, but at least I will get the same paycheck as I did as a presenter.

I got some Chick-Fil-A for lunch and spent the rest of the day resting and watching Netflix. I was going to head over to Hollywood Studios but found out it was closing soon and decided not to. So I ended up just watching Malcolm in the Middle and taking a nap. I was supposed to hang out with Sandra, Abel, and Ashley S, but Sandra wasn't feeling well so we decided to go out to dinner tomorrow after I get off work instead.

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