
Monday, March 9, 2015

Looking at Places to Live

I have loved living in Falcon Square. It is nice not having to worry about paying rent, safety, I've had great roommates, etc. But I especially love the area of Independence. So I've been looking and it is actually pretty reasonable to rent homes in this neighborhood. All of the outdoor stuff is taken care of, cable and internet are included, still have access to the pools and gyms (which I honestly haven't used yet...). So I think that if I end up staying in Florida I would like to see if I can find roommates that would be willing to stay here. I'm open to moving elsewhere, but I just love the serenity of the neighborhood and not being in a super touristy area. Well, I guess now I just have to keep getting my name out there, cross my fingers, and hope that I can find a way to stay down here, because I love working for Disney, I love my job, and I love the people. At least now I have an idea that it could be reasonable to stay in this area. :)

Sandhill Cranes around one of many of the ponds in Independence

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