Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Past Presenter Group Stats

Yesterday I looked at what my current presenter group is up to. This is easy since we have our own Facebook page that we talk on and we are all friends with each other.

Since I cannot watch TV without doing something, I decided to do some more investigating (aka creeping). I dug around and found out that the last few years each presenter group has made a Facebook group page. Due to my boredom I have decided to see what some other presenter groups are up to with their Disney careers. Below is what I have discovered (I feel like a *dun dun* law and order sound should be entered here, but that could be some exhaustion creeping in...)

+ CT is the number of people who are seasonal presenters. didn't include this is my overall count since these people work max a few days a year
AP is the number people employed by Disney still working within Animal Programs

Spring 2012: 12/27 = 44.4%
+0 CT 
6 AP 
A couple Wild Africa Trek guides, Merchandise, Welcome to Operations Facilitator, Merchandise Coordinator, a few Education Coordinator, PhotoPass Photographer, Custodial, Behavior and Technology Intern, Disney English Trainer

I couldn't find a Fall 2012 group

Spring 2013: 10/28 = 35.7%
+1 CT = 39.3%
10 AP (so that means everyone who is still employed by Disney is working within Animal Programs!)
Education Coordinator, some Animal Keepers , a few Wild Africa Trek guides, Education Content Manager, Trails Coordinator, Education Instructor, Science LOB Coordinator

Fall 2013: 9/28 = 32.1%
+0 CT
9 AP (another group that is entirely working within Animal Programs!)
Animal Keeper Trainee, Conservation Day Camp Instructor, Wild Africa Trek guide, Trail Guide, Animal Keeper, Education Manager, Education Instructor, Education Coordinator

Spring 2014: 8/29= 28.6%
+1 CT = 32.1%
5 AP
Wild Africa Trek guide, Education Instructor, Trail Guide, Reservation Center, Animal Keeper, Education Coordinator, Management Intern, Recreation

Fall 2014: 15/29 = 51.7%
+3 CT = 62.1%
10 AP
See my previous post about more on my Fall 2014 group: Fall 2014 Presenter Stats

Spring 2015: 11/30 = 36.7%
+ 2 CT = 43.3%
8 AP
A few Management interns, a couple other animal programs interns, a few got positions as a Wild Africa Trek guides, one on trails, and a couple on attractions

I think Spring 2012 is amazing in that almost half of them are still with the company, but Spring 2013 is perhaps even more amazing since over a third of them are still with Disney and ALL of those are with animal programs.

Well I think that I might have one more Past Presenter Stats Article left in me tomorrow...

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