
Thursday, August 27, 2015


Today is 10 weeks post-op for my foot. I had an appointment with the doctor here in Orlando that my surgeon back home referred me to. He said that I am allowed to start wearing shoes again! It's weird wearing both shoes again. He said some days could be more painful and I could have more swelling so to keep my boot around, but it feels good knowing I won't have to wear the super hot, annoying contraption as often. I also have to start figuring out if I want to go to therapy or if I want to try and do it on my own. 

I celebrated my new freedom by taking a mini-walk around Port Orleans French Quarter. I even talked to a new CP for a bit about PIs and tried to see if the store had an item I am trying to find. I even creepily saw a girl working whose blog I have read a long time, but I didn't have the guts to tell her.

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