
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Management Internship Panel Interview Questions

Management Internship Panel Interviews are just around the corner! Congrats to everyone who has scheduled their interview, whether it be in person or via video interview.

While I did not apply for Management Internships, I made some friends that were Management Interns while I was doing my professional internship. A big reason I made this blog was to help others through their Professional Internship journey since there is not always a lot of information out there, and there is even less information about Management Internships. Even though I do not really have personal experience with the MI process, I put my googling skills to the test and found a few new blogs with panel questions to combine with other MI blogs I had read in the past and the experiences my friends shared with me.

For your panel interview are scheduled for a 30 minute interview. I have heard/read that many people who interview in person have much shorter interviews that last more around 15-20 minutes. Some have said that it is because the 30 minute slot is the same time they have to do a video interview and it takes longer to set up the video software, etc and they want to interviews to be fair between people interviewing for the position.

You will likely be interviewing with anywhere from 2-5 current area leaders in the areas you applied to. Now if you are extremely amazing/lucky you may still be in consideration for multiple management internships. In the past, sometimes you have one interview for any of the MIs you are still in consideration for at the same time(eg. interviewing with a retail manager and lodging manager at the same time), but I think most people have separate interviews for each MI they are still in consideration for.

Now for the part you have been waiting for...the questions! The interviewers will want to gain an idea of your leadership style and your experience leading others. Expect a lot situational and behavioral questions. Also, if you are applying for a position like Theme Park Operations (TPO) or Lodging, they will probably ask you if you have a preference in areas. Eg. If you applied for TPO do you prefer Custodial, Attractions, or Main Entrance.

Working with a Team
Describe a time when you dealt with a difficult co-worker.
Tell me about a time you had team members disagree with you.
What is your experience working as apart of a diverse team?
What would you do if you had a conflict between cast members?
Describe a time when you motivated a team to complete a task.
Tell us about a time you dealt with a difficult co-worker.
What do you do to recognize your team?

Basic Questions
Why are you pursuing a management internship?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What's your favorite Disney character?
Tell me your biggest weakness.
How do you deal with conflict?

Leadership Questions
What is your leadership style?
What leadership qualities have you gained from your past roles?
What are the qualities of a good leader?
What's the difference between a leader and a manager.
Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a manager about a policy.
Name a time you led a project in a leadership role.
How do you organize yourself before a big project?

Guest Situations
Tell us about a time when you had to deal with two difficult guest situations at one time.
Describe a time when you provided excellent customer service.
Give an example of great guest service.
What would you do if you had multiple angry guests at once and someone wanting to talk to you on the phone?

Other Past Experience Questions
If we asked people you have worked with to describe you what would you say?
When have you had to turn a negative situation into a positive one?
Tell me about a time that you had a difficult situation.
Tell me about a time you were apart of a project from beginning to end.
Tell me about a time that you led a team in good business practices.
How have you promoted safety in past roles.
Tell us about a time that you reached a business goal.

Remember, everyone I know says that there are only going to be around 5-6 questions, because you'd be surprised how fast 15-30 minutes goes by. I think if you can answer these questions and the ones I have complied for the phone screening post (Screening Interview Questions and Tips) then you will be prepared to be in the right mindset for any question you might encounter, whether it is one that I have included on my blog or not. Note: there are overlapping questions on this post and the screening interview post. This is because I am just compiling questions others have been asked at different stages and sometimes Disney interviewers will ask similar questions.

Now remember, you should be proud of yourself for making it this far for such a competitive internship! So take a deep breath and let your personality and experience shine! Now go prepare for your interview, get relaxed beforehand, and rock that interview!

Note: The following blog has one of the best posts on the topic of MI panel interviews, even though they were not ultimately offered the position: MI Panel Interview #1. Most of the other blogs that I used for this post are located in the page "Other PI Blogs" which I really recommend checking out if you haven't already!

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