
Saturday, October 3, 2015

2015 Twitter Q&A: Additional Questions and their Answers

So I previously included a link to a Professional Question and Answer session recruiters held on Twitter. (see post here: Disney Professional Interns Twitter Q&A) While looking around twitter I noticed that not all the twitter answers were included in the link that Disney provided from their Twitter Q&A session. 

It looks like there were additional questions asked and answered so I figured I would compile the other questions answered by Disney Recruiters here. I have grouped them into related questions. In addition, a couple of the answers from the Disney recruiters (@WayneH1991 and @JulianaDisneyPI) didn't have corresponding questions, so I've included their answers, but the question is missing so in some cases I've made an educated guess at what the question might have been. Enjoy!

Applying for internships (eg when to apply)
Q: When will summer opportunities be available to view & apply for?
A: Posting timelines will vary so we recommend checking the website regularly for summer opportunities.

How many internships can we apply to?
There is not a limit, apply for roles you’re interested in and qualified for, just stay focused in your job search

Do you happen to know if there will be any ESPN/ABC News internships for rising college seniors for summer?
We anticipate internships in both those areas next summer, and will post them on our website later this Fall

Most of your summer production internships are for undergrads. Will there be great opportunities for grads next year?
Every summer, we offer exciting internship opportunities. Please visit  this Spring to learn more

I'm in my senior year graduating with degree in computer animation. When can I apply?
Students typically apply one semester prior to participation. Eligibility includes students and recent grads.

Can you apply for a PI your sophomore year in college, or should you wait until closer to senior year?
Be sure to review the qualifications in the posting. Some require specific academic levels, but not all do.

If I attend a school that is on the quarter system, can the internship schedule be different than what is on the job description?
Our internships are compatible with academic calendars for quarter schools. Specific dates are given at offer.

When are the ESPN internship opportunities for Spring or Summer 2015 in Bristol, Connecticut posted?
Spring Positions will be posted this weekend, and Summer positions will be posted just after the new year

Do you have the same PI job positions for both the spring and fall?
Internship opportunities may vary each season, so please visit  for all current openings

Is applying for a professional internship a better idea at the beginning or nearing the end of a persons college education
Most PI's are looking for a minimum of Junior level status, so see the job descriptions for more details

How can I still apply for an opportunity with Disney if I've passed the graduation max requirement?
hose who graduated over 6 months ago are not eligible for internships so check out  for jobs

College Program
Can you apply for a CP and a PI at the same time? If you get accepted to both can you do the PI instead?
Of course! If you receive multiple offers we will work with you to determine the best role for you.

Is it possible to get a PI without first having completed DCP? Or do they have first priority?
While there are some Parks roles that do require the CP, there are also many that do not across the Company

Does having previous experience as a College Program Intern help when trying to apply for a Disney Professional Internship?
CP experience is a great way to learn our Culture, network with leaders, and prepare for the next step in your Career

No Question (probably something like, can you apply for both a CP and PI)
You can apply for both the CP and PI, and if offered both would make your selection at the time of offer

I'm graduating this semester, hopefully doing the college program in the spring, can I apply after that internship?
You are able to complete two internships back to back if selected

Cover Letters/Resumes
Q: Is it better to write a general cover letter if you plan to apply to multiple positions or write specific letters for each?
A: Be sure the position requires a cover letter. If so and the positions are very similar, one cover letter is fine.

What is your FAVORITE thing to see in a cover letter?
Be sure that a cover letter is required. If so, highlight your passion for Disney and your qualifications.

If you have different resumes on your profile, can you choose which one is attached to each application?
Yes, you can customize each resume for each application, or use one resume for all applications

Q: If we apply for both Alumni Only & Alumni Only Events positions, do we still get one screening for all positions?
A: Only one phone screen is needed. Some positions may then require additional steps such as another interview.

Top 3 tips for a phone screen?
Have confidence, share relevant experience to the role, and be professional throughout the interview

Do interviewers work around your schedule for phone interviews?
If selected for an interview, you and your interviewer will work together to select the best time for both parties

No Question Listed (Probably something like: what are the number of interview for each position?)
The number of interviews will depend on the role, anywhere from 1 - 3 interviews on average per position.

Time Frame/Dashboard
Q: I applied for a position after interviewing for another. The status bar moved to "In Progress". Am I being considered?
A: In progress shows that your application is under review by the recruitment team, and you are in consideration

After submitting the application, what's the usual time frame to hear back for a further step with the application?
Typically, our Spring decisions will be made by late November/early December

Under my application status I see an eight step procress chart. As an applicant, what are those steps?
imelines can vary depending on the position, and range from application submission through final selection

How long are the Internships, in the Spring? Is it based on Semester or quarter system? Thanks :)
Internship lengths can vary between 4 and 7 months on average

I applied thru the Disney Hub , but I left recently , will I be able to still check the status of the app
You should still be able to view your dashboard by signing in through the external site,   

Other Questions
What is the number one thing an applicant can do to stand out?
Be sure to review the qualifications for the internships for which you have applied and know why you meet them. 

Besides experience in their field, what are some things students gain from an internship at Disney
Learning from industry experts and networking with leaders from across the Company are two unique components

What are some of the classes given during the program ?
Classes are not offered as part of Disney Professional Internships.

Is is appropriate to add recruiters on LinkedIn?
Not all Recruiters will accept all Linked In requests but be sure to include an intro when requesting.

Who do I contact about an internship in Archives and corporate record keeping!
For questions about any of our internships, you can contact

Generally how any applicants are there per program
We do not have a specific number, and welcome as many qualified applicants that choose to apply

Can experience hurt you? For example, work in theme parks for an extended period of time
Previous experience is a great way to showcase your knowledge of the field by telling us your story

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