Monday, October 19, 2015

Twitter Recruiter Q&A Spring 2015

I previously wrote a pair of articles about the Fall 2015 Twitter Recruiter Q&A and the answered a few unanswered fall 2015 twitter questions myself. I looked back a little further and found more questions from a Q&A done in the Spring 2015. Below are the recruiter answered questions and I answered the ones that were not answered by the recruiters in another post.

Recruiter Answered Questions
Main Questions Answered During Q&A Session
Q1: How can I apply if I'm a current Disney Store cast member? My Disney Careers portal just redirects me to the original posting.
A1: If you're an active cast member, you can apply for Internships through My Disney Careers. Otherwise, use 

Q2: Does the process normally take a bit longer for Internships that require a portfolio? Like the Yellow Shoes Internships?
A2: The process shouldn’t take much longer, you simply need to upload your portfolio and your resume if requested in the posting.

Q3: Do you cater Professional Internships towards foreign students or recent grads?
A3: Read individual postings. Many postings allow for recent grads. All positions require that a candidate has US Work Authorization.

Q4: How can I make my application stand out?
A4: It’s all about your resume! Make sure it is easy to read and highlights your accomplishments that relate to the desired job.

Q5: How soon after submitting an application do you decide whether to give an interview? And how does that process work?
A5: Every area has a slightly different timeline, I recommend checking your dashboard for updates to your individual process.

Q6: I will be graduating in August. Is there any flexibility on start dates for Fall?A6: We do offer Fall only internships beginning in August/September, so be sure to check the job description for the position’s dates

Q7: How important are cover letters when applying to PIs
A7: Cover letters are a great way to showcase who you are and share your story and interest around a certain role

Q8: For accepted applicants for PIs without provided housing, how should they go about finding somewhere to live? 
A8: As this can vary depending on location, please speak with your recruiter about any housing questions at the time of offer

Q9: If you apply to more than one Internship (in a related field), should your cover letter be different for each Internship?
A9: If you are applying for similar types of roles, one cover letter for all of them is fine as it incorporates your overall purpose

Q10: How should I prepare for a phone screen interview?
A10: Read through the job description and be prepared to showcase your skills in relating to the position for the interview

Other Questions Answered by the Recruiters
I applied for a position after interviewing for another. The status bar moved to "In Progress". Am I being considered?
In progress shows that your application is under review by the recruitment team, and you are in consideration

What are your chances of getting a PI without having the CP experience?
While there are some Parks roles that do require the CP, there are also many that do not across the Company

Can I apply to both the Professional Internship Program and the Disney College program at the same time?
You can apply for both the CP and PI, and if offered both would make your selection at the time of offer

No Question Listed (Probably sometime like: Is there a limit of positions that you can apply for?)There is not a limit, apply for roles you’re interested in and qualified for, just stay focused in your job search

No Question Listed (Probably sometime like: Is there a list of all the internships offered? or Is such and such internship going to be offered next cycle?)
Internship opportunities may vary each season, so please visit  for all current openings

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