
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Spring 2016 Interns Starting

I know, I know. I haven't updated in over 2 months. I am pretty much the worst, but what can we truly expect? I always lapse, but this time I think I have a good excuse. A girl on my team left the company after 11 years to move closer to home, so I have taken on part of her position until we hire her backfill. Therefore I have been swamped with work on top of experiencing all the holiday related experiences that Walt Disney World has to offer (including the last year of Osborne Lights :'( ) I even got to go home for one and a half weeks at Christmas. I will try to catch you all up to my life, even maybe do a reflection post or two in the spirit of the new year, do some more PI related posts since the new application season is about to start, and even answer an questions anyone would care to ask!

Even though my time as a Disney Professional Intern came to a close last June, I have been extremely fortunate to continue my career at Disney and I love to answer questions and provide information for anyone looking to start a career at Disney, especially during the long and confusing PI application process. I just want everyone to be successful and live their dreams like I am!

Anyways, it is really weird to be at the other side of the PI process. This is my first internships season that I am a full time cast member. I started my job in August so the Fall interns had been there since June and so I never felt like I was "above" them in any way. If any thing I felt raw and new to the department just like them and in some ways they had been working in this part of Disney longer than I had! 

However, this past Monday the new spring interns have started. Coming into Team Disney on Monday was so weird with all of these extremely well dressed people walking in large groups around the building as seasoned cast members gave them a tour of our building. They were easy to identify as interns since almost everyone that works at Team Disney is very casual and wears jeans as often as possible. Our team doesn't have intern right now (we didn't in the all either. maybe next fall?) but there is a large cube of food and beverage interns that sit right outside my row. I pass them every time I go to the bathroom, elevators, see the other half of my team, etc. So I basically walk past them every 30 minutes or so. I haven't introduced myself yet because I want to introduce myself to all of them at once, I have been busy this week, and I feel like I should wait a few days since they are probably overwhelmed with the number of people they have met. 

Since I am the youngest on my team and am still pretty fresh out of college I kind of hope I can become friends with a few of the interns or at least help guide them in staying with the company. I only really started talking to the old interns right before they left so I didn't get to know them well, but I hope to change that this time around since I am more confident in my role and surroundings. I am excited to see how things end up shaping up and see where this set of interns goes!

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