
Sunday, September 27, 2015

More about Montage Interviews

I previously posted about Montage Interviews, however as more internships this cycle begin to have second interviews I figured I would make an additional post about them. Montage is a video interview service that Disney uses that is a lot like Skype, but here is some additional information.

What positions use Montage?
Some of the most common internships that I know definitely use Montage are Animal Programs internships and Management Internships. Animal Programs don't have a screening interview and this will be the only interview animal programs will use. Note, not all animal programs uses Montage (I had a phone interview for my Chemistry interview) but most do, especially if they are at Animal Kingdom or the Seas. It seems like ones based out of the Land do them a little less often, but it can depend on the position. 

As for Management Internships, if you pass the screening interview and are extended an invitation for second interview you will have two choices: an in person panel interview in Florida or a panel interview with Montage. In the invitation it says that the in person ones are mainly for locals, but it isn't uncommon to hear of people flying down to do this interview. In my opinion, I would say not to waste the money on a plane ticket/hotel to come down for the interview, but it is really up to you. I know people who have gotten it from the video interview and I don't think it would be offered if they weren't going to actually treat the applicants the same. However, if you have the money and really think you will make a better impression in person than go for it.

Other positions may use montage, but it varies much more by position. I know my current managers have never used montage for interviewing and don't really see the point in it, but are being more heavily encouraged to use it by Casting than before. 

What to Expect
A few days before your interview you'll get an email which includes instructions and a link to the Montage "room." There are instruction videos about what to do and it allows you to test to ensure you software/webcam are on the correct settings so it will work optimally during the interview. You will be allowed to "enter" the room at any time to see what it is like. Definitely log on to your interview at least 15 minutes early to make sure everything works. Sometimes a person from the Montage team will come on to make sure everything is working well and give recommendations to help make sure everything is working correctly. During my first Montage interview, my webcam was being funny and she was a big help in making sure it was fixed before my interviewers came on. Make sure you are in a place that has good cell reception and that you have a pair of headphones nearby. 

I have had 4 different Montage experiences: 2 that everything has gone flawless, one where the interviewer had never used Montage and couldn't figure out the sound so we both put our microphones on mute and he called me, and one that was kind of a disaster technology-wise. In the disaster interview, everything was going well at first and worked great with the Montage team, then I was asked to use my headphones since there was a ton of feedback from the speaker. This is not an uncommon thing to do since the interviews ultimately don't want to hear themselves. Then my video lagged a TON and the sound wasn't really working so we were typing to figure things out. They then called my cell phone to use as the sound with the video still going so we could see each other. Then my cell phone dropped a call (one of less than 5 times since I've had a cell phone) so they called me back on my home phone to finish the interview. Funny enough, the two where the technology worked perfectly were the positions that I did not get. So if something goes wrong, just take a deep breath and know that it isn't uncommon and the people interviewing you will not in any way hold it against you. 

After the first time using Montage the process seemed pretty straightforward since I had prepared by reading/watching everything included since it really walks you right through the entire process. I know it can seem kind of confusing and nerve wracking if you have never done a video interview before, but it really was great to interact with the interviews more than what you can do via phone interviews. Just be prepared from the technology side so you can prove yourself and why you should have the position. Good luck!

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