Thursday, June 5, 2014

Montage Interview

Montage Video Interview
This cycle it seems like a lot more Professional Internships started using this video interview software called Montage. I had heard of past cycles a small handful of internships having to do a video interview, but it seems like a lot more positions have started to use this software. It is a lot like Skype, but for businesses. 

Interview Offer Originally when I got the email to schedule the interview, it said that I was having a phone interview. I then got a separate drop down saying Animal Programs Callback. This drop down was really only used for this interview. However, because of this I wasn't sure what position I was being interviewed for. Luckily, since I had been talking to people through Facebook I guessed it was for the Conservation Education Presenter position. If interested, there are other blogs that pretty much give the questions, but I don't feel comfortable sharing them here. However, two days before my interview I got an email describing the video interview process with Montage. It seemed a little confusing, but it really does walk you right through it. I recommend going to the room and getting familiar with it before your interview.

The Actual Interview My interview was with two of the managers of the Animal Programs team and was specifically for my Conservation Education Presenter Role. They asked questions that I felt prepared for. Unfortunately, I had some bad things happen for my interview. I was at home for spring break and our internet isn't the best. Since my connection was slow and the video was lagging, they called my cell phone for the audio. THEN, my phone dropped the call. I was like, SERIOUSLY! My phone never drops calls! Luckily they used the messaging system and called me right back. The one interviewer (who was also from Michigan and knew someone who was a full-timer in my department at the zoo) said she had her call dropped during her interview when she had first applied for her internship. 

The complications really threw me off and I thought I spoke too fast and did awful. Luckily, I must have done better than I thought I did since I got the offer!!!

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