Wednesday, May 28, 2014

PI Timeline

So when I have been reading Disney College Program and Disney Professional Internship Blogs for a couple of years now. I even debated doing a CP or PI during a semester during college but couldn't find the time without delaying graduation. When I actually applied this semester I decided not to do a blog and just make a SmashBook to remember my experiences. However, as the time gets closer to my internship check-in I have been reading blogs again and decided that others might find this information useful. I also thought it would be a good place to get more of my thoughts down than I could in my SmashBook. I might decide to post pictures as I complete pages in my book, too.

To start out I will just give the timeline I experienced and will then spend the time leading up to my check-in going into more detail about the process.

Fall 2014 Professional Internships
28 Feb 14- Applied for 3 Animal Programs positions (Education Presenter, Chemistry, Reproductive Biology) and an Agriculture Sciences Biotechnology position  (on the last day apps were open!)
4 Mar 14- "Application Received" email from Animal Programs email w/ request for additional materials (1 Cover Letter and Questionnaires for each position) due within 24hrs
5 Mar 14- Submitted additional materials for the Animal Programs Positions
6 Mar 14-"Biotechnology Application Received" email from WDW EPCOT Science Internships w/ request for additional materials (cover letter, letter of recommendation, transcripts) due by March 14th
             -"Incomplete Application for Disney's Agricultural Sciences" catch-all email
               -"Application Complete" email from Animal Programs team
            -Decided not to proceed with Biotechnology application
10 Mar 14- Email request to schedule a phone interview
13 Mar 14- Reminder that Biotechnology material due by the next day
14 Mar 14- Montage Interview Information Email     
15 Mar 14- Montage Video Interview for Education Presenter
               -"Thank you for participating in a Montage Interview" email
17 Mar 14- Email from Chemistry Manager for Interview
18 Mar 14- Background check email
19 Mar 14"Thank you for your Interest" NLIC for Reproductive Biology 
24 Mar 14- Chemistry Internship Phone Interview
9 April 14- Request to Schedule "Brief Phone Call"
10 April 14- Education Presenter Offer Phone Call!!! 
                -Congratulations email!
12 April 14- Accepted offer
                -Request for Additional Information Email
                -Welcome to the Team Email
13 April 14-Signed up for Company Sponsored Housing
16 April 14- Invitation to join Animal, Science, and Environment Yammer Group
                -Long informational email about my internship from department
21 April 14- Another NLIC email for Reproductive Biology
               - "Thank you for your Interest" NLIC for Chemistry
22 April 14Invitation to join Disney Professional Internship Yammer Group
29 April 14"Thank you for your Interest" NLIC for Biotechnology
4 May 14- New Hire Portal Instructions (2 separate emails for username and password)
7 May 14-DORMS registration  (2 separate emails for username and password)
             - DORMS roommate linking confirmation
9 May 14- Email with Casting Time for Check-In day
15 May 14Invitation for Animal Programs Welcome Gathering
11 June 14- Check-in!

Wow! That was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I thought others might think a detailed response would be helpful. Here are my past applications if you want to get an idea of how other Disney positions work. If you have any questions about these applications, feel free to ask!

Summer 2013 ESPN Statistics and Information Application Timeline
28 Dec 12- Application submitted
              -"Thank you for applying" email
2 Jan 13- Assessment request (had to take a Sports Knowledge Assessment)
Eventually went No Longer in Consideration (NLIC) on dashboard but didn't get an email

Fall 2013 Disney College Program
26 Feb 13- Application submitted
              -"Thank you for applying" email
              -Web Based Interview Request
              -Telephone Interview Request
              -Telephone Interview Confirmation
5 Mar 13-Telephone Interview
6 Mar 13- "Thank you for Interviewing" Email
8 Mar 13- Accepted as a Lifeguard
                 Ended up turning down position.

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