Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Disney Daydreaming

So I told myself that I would be really productive today with work. I am currently working from home re-writing the General Chemistry Labs Prep Instructions. It is great since I am really flexible, can work from home, and make some extra money before I head down to Disney. However, it also means that I can get distracted easily. I wasn't really feeling well today, and I ended up reading Disney College Program Blogs a good chunk of the day.

 I was a little productive getting ready to go to Disney. I went through the last few boxes from college to figure out what I was definitely taking, definitely not taking, and things I might take if I have room. I have put all of the non-clothes things into my the living room so I could put it all in one place to see how much I have. I feel like I am doing well on space and can hopefully take some extra stuff! 

Well, back to watching the Tigers game, before bed. 
btw-not that many people will care, but my family went to a Toledo Mudhens game last night (the AAA affiliate of the Tigers) and Jim Leyland was sitting a couple of rows behind us behind home plate. For those who don't know, Jim Leyland is the Detroit Tiger's retired manager. He is still working for the club in the front office and was sitting with some scouts. The Mud Hens lost, but one of the players scored 2 home runs and only needs 1 more to break the minor league record and my sister and I took a picture with Jim Leyland (after creepily sneaking looks back throughout the game)!

Megan and I with Jim Leyland (Detroit Tiger's retired manager).

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