Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hitting Home

Today I went to my cousins confirmation. As we were leaving she came up to me and asked when I was leaving. When I responded with "a week from tomorrow" I couldn't believe what I was saying. She then gave me a big hug and said she probably wouldn't see me before I left and wanted to wish me luck. I think that was the moment that I would realized how long it will be before I see my cousins and everyone from home again. I a super excited and can't wait to be done in Disney, but I am a little sad since I can't stop thinking about the people that I haven't been able to say goodbye to. I just keep trying to hang out with my family and see as many people as I can in this crazy last week I have left. I am glad that I have a good deal packed, but I know that I will still be stressed that I will forget something. 

On a happier note, last night I asked my future roommates to give me their favorite Disney character and I am going to make them a surprise. I started making one of them last night and it started off really well, but then I messed it up and was going to take too long to fix so I decided to start over. I don't want to say what I am making yet, but I will post pictures once I finish and give them to my roommates!

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