Monday, June 9, 2014

The Journey Down with Tigger

Well, we have made it to our hotel for the night! We left around 6:30 and drove most of the day. I had a really hard time saying goodbye to my dogs, my mom, and my sister. I know I will see my family at the end of July and can talk to them, but it is hard knowing they are on the opposite side of the country. I have lived a by myself for the majority of the past 4 years, so I know I won't have to deal with how to cook, etc, but Florida will be very different from the Midwest and the comfort my parents were just a few hours away just in case. With my dogs, I won't see them until I come home in January, so it was almost harder saying bye to them than my family. Especially since my old dog, Bailey, isn't doing well so I am worried I won't see her before she has to be put down. I hope that I can see her again. :(

Currently we are about 4 hrs away from Disney! I slept for a large part of the day while my dad drove, but I took a little stint at the wheel. I took pictures with my Tigger stuffed animal throughout my journey. Pretty much all of the other animal programs interns were also taking pictures with stuffed animals as they traveled. It is kind of cool that we all ended up with different ones! 

Saying goodbye to my dogs. :(

Tigger and I are packed up and ready to go!

Tigger, dad and I ready to pull away!
Driving through Ohio
Lunch in Kentucky
Driving through Tennessee

Entering Georgia
Tigger with the Olympic Torch in Atlanta
Stopping for dinner in Georgia
All ready for a good nights sleep in Southern Georgia!

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